“The ‘Clinton cult’?”
An extremely pernicious internet presence.
“The absurd claim that everything negative about Mr. Sanders must come from this cult? ‘people who despise Sanders for having the audacity to have stood in the way of their Queen’s coronation in 2016.’?”
No, I’m very specific about the negative things about Sanders that comes from the Clinton personality cult. It’s important to separate that from rational criticism of Sanders.
“Your screed goes on and on and on with vitriolic attacks on just about anybody who criticized Mr. Sanders.”
No, my work is very specifically aimed at misbehavior by press outlets; in this case, a lot of misbehavior aimed at Sanders. But there are others affected and that I cover as well.
“You’re obviously burning with white hot fury about the 2016 primaries.”
No. It’s a contentious subject but not the subject of my article.