J. Riddle
3 min readOct 31, 2017


“I am aware of the Strasser link, but that is not where I quoted from, and I’m not a ‘Goldbergist’, whatever that is.”

A Goldbergist is a crackpot who peddles the fascism-is-leftism form of Holocaust denial — named after Jonah Goldberg, one of its major popularizers.

“Try https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler. Or do you think Wikiquote is a Goldbergist conspiracy? I wouldn’t be surprised!”

That’s funny, when I go to your link, it includes the quote it in a huge colored-in box clearly labeled “Misattributed,” backing up what I’ve already covered about its real source:

So no, you didn’t get it from there.

“Hitler’s Germany had central planning, and State Control of industry: that is Socialism.”

As I’ve already covered, I’m not immediately inclined to get into your other nonsense wherein you try to make arguments based on redefining words beyond recognition (another drearily dull tactic of the Goldbergists). Mirroring the process found in every successful fascist state, the Nazi regime rose to power with the enthusiastic backing of the, broadly, capitalist class, locked in the countries’ class structure, destroyed the capitalists’ political and labor opponents, not only failed to nationalize much of anything but privatized wide swathes of previously state-held enterprises and made the big capitalists fantastically wealthy. There’s no way to convert that into some form of “socialism” without entirely abandoning any previous historical understanding of the word; it’s no different than insisting people from Patagonia are Martians, and no more meaningful. And your complete failure to deal with these facts can’t make them go away.

“Socialism and Fascism are not the left and right extremes of politics: They are indistinguishable from each other. Both are Left/Totalitarian; the Right end of the spectrum is Libertarianism, Freedom and individual rights.”

Rightist “Libertarianism” is a crackpot American invention that doesn’t represent any end of anything, because it’s just a bunch of ideological dead-end bullshit. Fascism is a movement of the far-right, always recognized itself as a movement of the far-right, is always recognized by everyone else as the far-right and rises to power by aligning itself with the right. The Nazis, the particular fascists in question here, absorbed nearly all of the German right on its rise to power. It didn’t do so because it was “socialist.” At the same time, fascism has always been violently anti-leftist — that is it murderously so is, in fat, one of its defining characteristics. Even as we’re writing this exchange and you’re trying to perpetuate this farce, a protofascist with a large following of actual fascists fans sits in the White House. He wasn’t put there by leftists. The fascists who love him are not leftists. Protofascist and full-blown fascist movements are rising all over Europe and the story everywhere is exactly the same. Jonah Goldberg peddles leftism-is-fascism while employed by the National Review, a publication that was once the voice of the American right in a way no other single publication ever will be and that, more importantly, has been pro-fascist from its founding.




J. Riddle

Writer, radical, filmmaker, cinemarchaeologist, Cinema Cult ringmaster.